Lauren- 2011

Lauren- 2011

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the latest w/lauren

hi friends & family... thx for checking in w/the blog :)

lauren has been referred to her ENT to check out why her tonsils and adenoids are red and swollen. she's had a head cold for nearly a month now and still isn't sleeping or breathing so well. she started antibiotic yesterday and an antihistamine to help her so hopefully she'll see some relief soon.

her spasms are getting worse overnight again but we're tweeking her meds so hopefully within the next few days her legs will feel better.

her g-tube site is (i think) getting better- still some granulation but she started a steriod last week to get rid of it- should see results w/in 2 weeks if it works.

as always, she's keeping us busy! hope this update finds you & yours well.


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