Lauren- 2011

Lauren- 2011

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy new year!

We had a great appointment with Dr. Holmes Morton out at the Clinic for Special Children in Strasburg PA. Finally meeting a doctor who thinks he knows what's happening (and not happening) inside Lauren's brain and body AND who has experience treating the problem, successfully. So exciting!! We're very hopeful that Lauren will make great gains both physically and coginitively through Dr. Morton's treatment plan.

More tests and results await. A possible spinal tap, or two as well, yikes! But to finally see some light for her, and for us, is the best way I can think of for ending 2010.

Happy New Year everyone!
thanks for your love and support of Lauren-


Michelle said...

Exciting news about the new doctor. Continuing to pray for Lauren and all you guys! Love you lots...hope you had an awesome Christmas and New Year!!

Stacy@hiswaynotmine said...

Yeah!! Praising God with you. :)